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Robotics Club

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Sponsor: Jonathan Haynes

What is Robotics Club?

The Cullman Middle School Robotics Club seeks to cultivate an environment in which students will design, build and compete in the VEX IQ Competition. Students will brainstorm solutions to problems throughout the season, document their engineering design process, design and build robots, and compete at two regional tournaments. Students will learn to work as a team, develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and learn to communicate with teams from other schools.

Teams that qualify at regional tournaments will have an opportunity to compete at the VEX IQ State Championship at Auburn University where they will have a chance to qualify for the VEX IQ World Championship held in Dallas, TX.

General Club Information

  • The club will meet every Tuesday after school from 3:05 to 4:30 pm. 

    • Pick up and drop off for club meetings will be in front of the CMS Gym.

  • Teams will consist of 4-8 students.

  • There will be an $105 club fee for every club member. This includes TSA membership.

    • Checks should be made out to CMS Robotics Club.

    • Checks should include the student's name on the check.

    • Club fees cover

      • VEX National Registration

      • Club Shirt

      • Regional and State tournament registration fee

  • The club will travel to two robotics tournaments outside of Cullman. 

    • Tournament dates and locations will be announced later in the season.

  • If a club team qualifies for the state/world championship, there will be a parents' meeting to discuss the travel arrangement and expectations.

    • State & World events will be overnight trips, so students will need to have the overnight form filled out and turned in.

    • At least one parent is required to travel with students pre-approved one week before planned travel unless an emergency occurs.

  • Parents roles 

    • Team supervisors ensure that teams are completely prepared for tournaments.

    • Supervisors make sure everything is packed for traveling and in the pit area.

    • Supervisors will be the only adults to have access to teams in the pits on tournament days besides sponsors and mentors.

    • Supervisors will transport all robots and the necessary equipment to events, regardless of location.

    • Parents are responsible for picking up students on time after school.

    • Parents must transport their team members to every event unless written notice and approval is given for alternative travel arrangements 24 hours before the trip.

    • One parent from each team will be the team supervisor.

  • Sponsor roles 

    • The sponsor is responsible for developing a plan of travel with team supervisors and mentors.

    • Sponsors handle all tournament registration

    • Sponsors will meet with supervisors and mentors to develop a schedule for the season.

    • The sponsors work with mentors and teams to overcome hardships that are encountered

  • Mentor Roles 

    • Mentors will be individuals that work with teams to document, design, build and compete with robots for competition.

    • Mentors will be approved by the school and sponsors before being paired with a team.

    • The mentor must pass a background check before meeting with teams.

    • The mentor will travel with the team as much as possible to events.


Team Roles

  • Team Captain

  • Designer/Engineering Notebook

  • Builder

  • Programmer

  • Driver

  • Pit Crew

How to join the club?

Fill out the interest form & attend the mandatory parents meeting.

Robotics Club Interest Form


  • The club will develop fundraisers to offset the cost of students' travel costs - hotel and plane tickets.

  • The club will work to develop community partners for mentors, sponsorships, and further development of the robotics club at Cullman Middle School.

  • The club will seek grant funding to purchase new equipment or replace equipment as the club grows.

  • If the club qualifies for a larger event, the club will conduct a traditional fundraiser if the club needs the money to cover the costs.


Robotics Education and Competition Foundation Consent Form

Student and Parent Contact Information

Letter of Commitment

Important Dates

Thursday, August 10, 2023

STUDENT-PARENT MEETING:  Student-Parents’ Interest Meeting

Students that are interested in joining the robotics club should attend this meeting with their parents in the CMS Round Building room 223 at 3:05.  Parents will meet the sponsor and will be able to ask questions about the program.

Saturday, November, 2023


Saturday, December, 2023 


Saturday, January, 2024


Saturday, February, 2024

TOURNAMENT:  Alabama State VEX IQ Championship - Middle School - Auburn University

Saturday through Wednesday, April 2024

TOURNAMENT:  VEX IQ World Championship - Dallas TX


Helpful Links

Building Fundamentals

VEX IQ Virtual Skills - You will need your team number and skill code to program the robot for the game this year.  (Help Desk)